Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The World Series of Poker MAIN EVENT - Satellite League Info

Our 2017 WSOP Satellite League is winding down - and overall I think it has been and will be a success.  But I would like to implement some changes for the league spanning 2017-2018, changes that will insure that we play a ton more single table tournament poker and that these tournaments will almost always be full.


Starting Saturday, August 5, 2017 - ALL tournaments will run in tandem with our WSOP league.

Everything will remain the same for entry fee and prize pool for all tournaments.

Players will have an OPTION to participate in a race to theWSOP Main Event in 2018.

For these players who want to go for a Main Event seat, it works like this...

SNGs (single table tournaments) -
$60 + $40 entry - $60 to the prize pool for that night, $40 for the WSOP Main Event prize pool.

Saturday night MTTs (multi-table tournaments) - 
$40 + $60 entry - $40 to the prize pool for that night, $60 for the WSOP Main Event prize pool.

One time only re-entry for all tournaments is $60 for SNGs, $40 for MTTs.

For folks who are not interested in the WSOP, absolutely nothing changes for all tournaments.

Let me repeat that.

For folks who are not interested in the WSOP, absolutely nothing changes for all tournaments.



If you are someone who is interested in playing for a seat in the greatest tournament on earth, read on...

The biggest advantage to participating in our WSOP league is that you will get first shot at responding to the Evites.  Evites will be sent first to those who are down with the WSOP.

All tournaments will have the same ONE TIME ONLY re-entry amount for everyone-  if a player is felted before the first break they may re-enter OR if they have a small stack at the first break they may surrender their stack for a fresh one.

BUT - for Main Event League participants - in SNGs $40 of the $60 re-entry goes to WSOP Main Event prize pool, the remaining $20 goes to the prize pool of the evening.  For MTTs the money is split, $20 for the prize pool on the night, $20 goes to the WSOP league.

All players who participate in the WSOP Main Event League must either pay or play a minimum of $1225 worth of entry fees to the league to qualify for Step 2.

Believe it or not, this will happen fairly quickly - even if you only play a minimum of tournaments.

There will likely be 40 or so of these SNGs over the course of a year and maybe a dozen MTTs.

You will reach your goal if you play in only 6 MTTs and 20 PSP SNGs and IF YOU NEVER RE-ENTER.

If you do re-enter, you could potentially play in as few as 12 SNGs.

REMEMBER, if you do well you could potentially win most or all of this money back.  I only count your buy in fees, obviously I don't deduct any money that you win.

Let this sink in -



If you fall short of qualifying for Step 2, you simply pay the difference.  Which, if you play a bit less than half of all the SNGs, it won't be much at all.

The Step 2 starting stack will be 50K, plus we will be adding bonus chips if you kick butt during the course of the year.

For every SNG you take down you will earn a bonus 5K in chips for Step 2.

For every SNG where you finish in the top 3 you will earn a bonus 2K in chips for Step 2.

For every MTT you take down you will earn a bonus 10K in chips for Step 2.

For every MTT where you finish 4th, 3rd or 2nd you will earn a bonus 5K in chips for Step 2.

There will be a cap of 30,000 bonus chips total that league participants can earn in the SNGs.  So the biggest starting stack anyone can have in Step 2 is 80K.

The Step 2 tournament will be in May of 2018.  Very likely the first or third Saturday at 1pm.  If anyone can't make it we will pool all participants to agree on one date from April through May.

There will VERY LIKELY be a Day 2 of this Step 2 tournament - we will have an hour dinner break at 6pm, and bag and tag at midnight if we are still playing.  Play will resume at noon on Sunday.

Step 2 will have a one time only re-entry of $500 if a player busts before the dinner break.  Re-entry stacks will match whatever a player began the tournament with.

(NOTE: For players who have put in more than 1225 over the course of the year, the extra money will be deducted from the re-entry $500 fee.  If you play say 20 tournaments, and re-enter in say 10 of those, and you play in 10 MTT's you will have put up $1800, so $475 would be deducted from your potential re-entry)

10K plus another 1K for travel expenses will go to first place of Step 2.

This representative (REP) will enter the WSOP Main Event on the entry day of their choice and should they cash, they will share all money paid out to them with the Step 2 participants, 60% for the REP, 40% for the participants.

Any remaining cash in the Step 2 prize pool will go towards rewarding additional WSOP seats at the $1000 level - as many seats as we can give away.

After we award an extra seat or seats, any cash left over will go to travel expenses, divided evenly among seat winners.

If we don't end up giving away another seat besides the Main Event seat, all money in excess of $1225 that players have put in will be fully refunded to them.

Players also have an option of stopping to pay their WSOP fees once they reach $1225.  If they choose to do this they are not eligible for any extra seats that might be rewarded in Step 2.

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